Self-Care is a form of activism. I know it seems a little far fetched, the idea that self-care is a radical act. That’s what they want you to think....
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How to Grow Your Own Self-Care
I’ve always loved having houseplants. Since I spend more time indoors than outdoors (something I’m working to shift as much as I can), bringing some...
In Pursuit of What Matters
There's a fairly well known story about a professor and a jar of rocks and a lesson about our personal values, but I only recently heard about it...
How to Avoid Holiday Burnout
Is it just me or does the entire month of December feel like a high speed chase ending with a 10-car pile up around New Year’s Eve? There’s a lot to...
5 Simple Steps to Become a Jedi Yogi Mama
Not too long ago, I was eating dinner with my daughter. We do picnic style, a blanket spread out on the floor. We don’t have a dining room table,...
Sometimes Self-Care Means Saying “No”
Sometimes self-care means saying no. This is a revelation I had recently when I realized that saying no is just as essential as saying yes. Saying...

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