I have a problem. It’s a frustrating problem and maybe surprising to those of you who’ve known me for awhile, especially in a yoga context. And...
A statement that tells those dream clients how you free blog content helps provide value.
How to Handle Growing Pains
I never believed that growing pains were a real thing until I had my kids. If you google, “are growing pains real?” all of the results will tell you...
Naptime is the Worst Time for Self-Care
You can’t do everything during naptime. I hate being the bearer of bad news, but it’s true. You can’t do everything during naptime. The truth hurts...
I’m Breaking One of the Biggest Rules in Business and This Is Why
I'm going to break the rules right now and share a secret with you. Before I do, I should mention that I've always had a rebellious streak. I...
4 Self-Care Myths, Busted
I go on Pinterest way more than I should, but I like pretty pictures which is what pinterest is great for. Pinterest is excellent eye candy while...
The Common Self-Care Advice You Should Ignore
I’ve been doing some self-care research lately. I’m always curious what other people consider to be self-care so I’ve been looking at pinterest...

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