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Hip Openers Aren’t the Answer

Hip Openers Aren’t the Answer

What if hip openers aren’t the answer? Years ago when I did my very first teacher training, we were taught about yoga poses in broad strokes. You...

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Are You Breathing?

Are You Breathing?

“Are you breathing, mama?” I stared into my daughter’s big, grey eyes as she asked me this and I had to pause. The sound of her voice, the look in...

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Are you taking care of yourself?

Are you taking care of yourself?

“Are you taking care of yourself, though?” I asked myself this question as I eased myself out of my daughter’s bed last night. It was 9:45pm and I’d...

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Yoga as we know it, is dying

Yoga as we know it, is dying

Yoga as we know it, is dying.  Gone are the days of packed yoga studios, with mats set just an inch apart. Covid has made classes like this...

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Balance is Being in Flow

Balance is Being in Flow

Yesterday was the Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, so I've been thinking a lot about balance. I think balance doesn't mean what most...

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Hurricane Sally Yoga

Hurricane Sally Yoga

I woke up at 3:45am to the sound of wind howling and rain pounding on the roof. I could hear the door to our back porch slamming against its frame....

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