The scene: My kitchen. I am sitting on the floor, crying. Not pretty crying, like you sometimes see in movies. These tears didn’t silently trail...
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Reality TV
About a year ago, I had an email exchange with another mom. Her child is about a year older than mine, give or take a few months. Like me, she’s a...
Risky Business: Embracing Fearless Creativity
Creativity fascinates me. Where does it come from? How do we access it? Do some people have more natural creativity than others? Can creativity be...
Days of Future Past
Many years ago, when I had first moved back from NYC to Maryland, I ended up going on a “sort-of date” with a former high school crush. Ok,...
Vegan Mac N’ Cheese
It's a surprise snow day today and nothing says Snow Day like comfort food. I'm not the biggest Mac N' Cheese fan, truth be told. I don't do a lot...
Suck It Up, Buttercup.
I have always prided myself on my toughness. I’m 5’2, but people tell me I seem taller and bigger. In my senior year of high school, one of my...
The Art of Saying Yes
When I was in high school and college, I was notorious among my group of friends as the naysayer. If someone suggested going to see a movie I wasn’t...
Kale, Cranberries, and Spiced Lentils
I had a stroke of genius in the kitchen last week. I love creating new meals based on whatever I have on hand. It’s so easy these days to just make...
Digging Out
This week in the mid-Atlantic, we’re digging ourselves out from a blizzard. The snow started falling on Friday and didn’t stop until sometime in the...
Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry
I believe you can never have too many curry recipes or too many lentil recipes. Thankfully, this recipe is a two-fer. Bonus! This recipe has evolved...
You’ve Gotta Have Faith
I’ve always been a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of faith. I like proof. I like tangible results. I like the clarity of evidence. I like...
Oatmeal-Less Oatmeal
You’ve heard of flourless cake, right? Well, oatmeal-less oatmeal is sort of the same idea. I love oatmeal as much as the next person and especially...

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