I am standing in my living room, with my wailing newborn tucked into the crook of one arm and a toothbrush, loaded with toothpaste in my other hand....
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Raw Energy Balls: My 3 Favorite Recipes!
A long time ago, when I was beginning to do more distance running and was training for longer races, I started buying and consuming energy cubes. If...
There’s No “Me” in Maternity Leave
The first time I was pregnant, I joked that I wasn’t taking maternity leave when the baby arrived, but instead going on “baby vacation.” I knew that...
Springtime Tabouli
I love spring. The world is in the process of turning itself inside out. Everything is green and thick and light, all at the same time. Our front...
Ditch the “Busy Mom” Syndrome
Picture this scene: A woman with messy hair and no make-up, picking up toys off of the floor. In the next moment, she has one hand on her phone,...
3 Simple and Healthy Desserts
When I was younger, I had a fairly active sweet tooth. As a kid, I hid a cup of sugar cubes in my bedroom on my bookshelf. It's amazing I didn't...
Radical Motherhood
I can’t remember my first rebellious act, but if you ask my parents or my oldest friends they will attest that I have been resisting authority and...
If Loving Star Trek is Wrong, I Don’t Want to be Right
I love Star Trek. I’m no longer ashamed to utter these words publicly, although there was a time that I hesitated to proclaim my love so openly....
Body of Love
A few weeks ago, I was standing outside in the warmth of the early spring sun with my daughter. We were outside on the front lawn of a neighbor’s...
Great Expectations
My name is Naomi and I am an overachiever. I have always had high standards and great expectations of myself, as well as the people in my life. I am...
Beets, Barley, and Cabbage, with a Tangy Mustard Dressing
About a year ago, I stumbled across a lovely recipe posted by a good friend on her blog. It wasn't vegan, so I modified it slightly to suit my...
This past weekend, I went on a media fast. I spent 38 hours offline, essentially. No social media and no email. I did have to use the Internet a few...

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