Self-Care is a survival skill. I know what you’re thinking. “No it’s not. Being able to swim is a survival skill. Fire building is a survival skill....
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Pan-Fried Eggplant, Kale, and Soba Noodles
Eggplant and I have always had a bit of a tortured relationship. I want to like eggplant. I mean, she has fabulous colors and a supersexy shape, but...
4 Self-Care Myths, Busted
I go on Pinterest way more than I should, but I like pretty pictures which is what pinterest is great for. Pinterest is excellent eye candy while...
Guilty as Charged
I have a lot of guilt. I’ve tried to unload it over the years and sometimes I do a good job of misplacing it for awhile, but I always manage to find...
Power to the Peaceful
I am not a peaceful person by nature. People assume yoga teachers are a peaceful and calm lot. I’m sure a few are. Serenity is not a job...
11 Reasons Why You Need a Home Yoga Practice
Yoga is everywhere these days. You can find yoga classes in almost every city in the US, if not at a yoga studio at a gym or in your office...
The Common Self-Care Advice You Should Ignore
I’ve been doing some self-care research lately. I’m always curious what other people consider to be self-care so I’ve been looking at pinterest...
The One Word Every Mom Needs to Stop Saying
Remember that Sir-Mix-A-Lot song from the 90’s, Baby Got Back? Although I do like big butts (and the song), I don’t like big “but’s”. See what I did...
The Greatest Gift My Parents Gave Me
This morning when I rolled out my yoga mat, I was not alone. Both of my kids were awake by the time I stepped onto my mat and started to move....
Summer of Self-Care Book List
Movement Matters by Katy Bowman Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman ~If you haven't read anything by Katy Bowman yet, you should. She has an extensive blog...
5 Self-Care Practices I Always Take With Me on Vacation
I am notoriously terrible at vacations. I have a long history of vacations spoiled by bringing work with me or the inability to completely unplug or...
Keep It Simple: A How-To Guide for Complexity Queens
A little over a month ago, I decided to create a new ritual. This new ritual combined creativity with mindfulness, plus a little special time with...

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